bro this game so cool ı play playtest and steam demo to but on the steam demo when ı died my game has cras and my pc is down my pc a strong pc ı dont know why is happen... (sorry for words ı am not from USA ı am from Türkiye .q)
If you can't, you have some kind of computer virus stopper. turn it off in your settings. itll say the same thing still, but you should be able to allow the download.
Hey! I just installed the game. Now I don't know if I'm on the tutorial zone (the void place). I'm just wondering how I will get to the arena too. Please help me, thank you
I can tell you it ez so theare no tutorial zone you can prass play and then chose the map custom mize your charakter your teamates and enemies and you can change the game mode and can do 10 max nps that what you all need
there's a tutorial on the nonfun branch of the steam version: mouse buttons are different hands. swing mouse to swing them, x to switch weapons, press e and q to grab and drop, hold e and q to sheathe, r is inventory, double click mouse to kind of stab.
edit: damn the controls are VERY different in this version.
kid these guys have no lives. the fact they find joy in bullying you is pathetic. the only highlight their lives will ever have is being great at a half developed video game. and speaking of moms womb, that is they only vagina they will ever be inside of. Over grown nerds i hope someone gives yall a swirly today.
First of all, Shut the acual fuck up dude, I'm 22, second your using caps like a stupid fucking child with anger issues like damn and now you have yo come crying to your mother about me... and shes like 17 dumbass fucker
i played this game this game is lowkey fun but it not hrorrh my gay kid try to kiss a boy i school so i fucking kill that kid my ex got mad at me for no got dam reason so f her and my kid i hate my life it suck you guys dont get it
it's that bug when the texture gets somewhat stretched, and reaches outside of the arena😅 But it's the first time i saw it like this, with half of the figure inside the wall lol. the game is bugged as hell , but it makes it even more funny
This is a very fun game, the controls are very unique and rather cool for a medieval fighting game. And wonderfully my laptop can run the game really smoothly on medium graphics, which still look absolutely wonderful. The only issue i've had is that I constantly run out of memory and the game closes, that is an issue on my end but I recommend this game only if you have a good quallity PC or high quality laptop. Other then that this is a 10/10 game and I hope that when I get a good PC I get to play this more.
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No, only singleplayer
bro this game so cool ı play playtest and steam demo to but on the steam demo when ı died my game has cras and my pc is down my pc a strong pc ı dont know why is happen... (sorry for words ı am not from USA ı am from Türkiye .q)
Oh the meat...
He's bad to the bone
nah i'd win moment
Looking gorgeous, honest to the bone.
i am back and now i calmed down finaly i can play this game!
wtf is this guy?
Hi, my name's Jeff.
He's Willie btw, say hi to him.
hi willie
i think bros name is jeff
No he's Jeff! Identity theft is not a joke jim!
hey guys what do i need to do when i extract the files? because when i press on the half sword it says it might be harmful to my pc
It's just how files work when you download things that aren't official, it's not dangerous!
but my pc just doesnt let play it. im either stupid, or something is wrong
just cick showmore
and then?
If you can't, you have some kind of computer virus stopper. turn it off in your settings. itll say the same thing still, but you should be able to allow the download.
ignore this its this shitty antivirus thinking its a virus lol
i cant really ignore it since its preventing me from playing, and im not sure what should i do
Just "Show more" and then "Play anyways" or something along those lines
this game is fun I pretend that all of these guys are Donald Trump
no politics plz, just fun : D
i pretended all these people were kamala
sad that he got elected
i like this game im going to install it
Hey! I just installed the game. Now I don't know if I'm on the tutorial zone (the void place). I'm just wondering how I will get to the arena too. Please help me, thank you
I can tell you it ez so theare no tutorial zone you can prass play and then chose the map custom mize your charakter your teamates and enemies and you can change the game mode and can do 10 max nps that what you all need
A tutorial is needed fr...
there's a tutorial on the nonfun branch of the steam version: mouse buttons are different hands. swing mouse to swing them, x to switch weapons, press e and q to grab and drop, hold e and q to sheathe, r is inventory, double click mouse to kind of stab.
edit: damn the controls are VERY different in this version.
After School I play gmod and go on a killing spree this is exactly what I need after school
how do you open it cause i dont know how to
You should probably find an adult to help you.
install itch and install it
add sex
what were you smoking?

skill issue
just leave me ALONE! the reason i said that because you made upset now today you wil PAY!!!!
dude go back to your moms womb lmao
This is the last warning LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!🤬🤬🤬
Womp Womp Mother Fucker
SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🤬🤬🤬
kid these guys have no lives. the fact they find joy in bullying you is pathetic. the only highlight their lives will ever have is being great at a half developed video game. and speaking of moms womb, that is they only vagina they will ever be inside of. Over grown nerds i hope someone gives yall a swirly today.
you know that im angry at you im angry just because im lagging
First of all, Shut the acual fuck up dude, I'm 22, second your using caps like a stupid fucking child with anger issues like damn and now you have yo come crying to your mother about me... and shes like 17 dumbass fucker
you first you faggot
sybau worthless retard
rackjames i hope you die in a sad assylum because your too retarded to see your a fucking usless waste of viable oxygen you bitch
add sex
i think this ver is better than the steam one ngl
i'm fine...

but the other one isnt...
i played this game this game is lowkey fun but it not hrorrh my gay kid try to kiss a boy i school so i fucking kill that kid my ex got mad at me for no got dam reason so f her and my kid i hate my life it suck you guys dont get it
n1gga what
i get it
reasonable crashout
vaild crashout
Is thier controller support
yea you can configure the controls in a note document
how do i get mine to be more gore
Turn the gore on max...
when i download it, it says "file not available on site"
im trying this for my dell laptop i core i3 i hope my laptop dont explode
bro bouta get vaporized
it did not work and it just quit, btw it did work on the menu but very laggy.
you played on a laptop right?
no head, right?
it's that bug when the texture gets somewhat stretched, and reaches outside of the arena😅 But it's the first time i saw it like this, with half of the figure inside the wall lol. the game is bugged as hell , but it makes it even more funny
what is happening?
how do i play it?
download it....
How do I open this
u need 7 zip or winwar
Need Multi Graphics Settings.
my steam version isn't working at all :(
it says this every time:
[Window Title:] The UE-HalfSwordUE5 Game has crashed and will close
try updating your graphics drivers
...dude, it updates automatically. It JUST WON'T WORK.
When i put my game graphics under medium bc its laggy above low bc my pcs bad my game goes yellow and i cant see anything. Please help
this game is hilarious! Love the mechanics lol. But support the channel
This Game is HILARIOIUS - Half Sword
This is a very fun game, the controls are very unique and rather cool for a medieval fighting game. And wonderfully my laptop can run the game really smoothly on medium graphics, which still look absolutely wonderful. The only issue i've had is that I constantly run out of memory and the game closes, that is an issue on my end but I recommend this game only if you have a good quallity PC or high quality laptop. Other then that this is a 10/10 game and I hope that when I get a good PC I get to play this more.
Really satisfying combat, just some tips
the build is in debugging mode (i can see the messages)
i would make it easier to cut limbs, it is really satisfying but it happes rarely
wo ri ni ma
I like but 1.7 GB?
wdym? not alot
1.7 giggys is nothing
1.7? its nothing compared to BeamNG drive wit 15.8 GB.
cool but make optimisation pls
can i have a older version
This is the oldest version available.
really? i thought there was an older one haha
You have to go into the build history in the Itch app to get the older builds.
im fine now, bought a gaming pc