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Does anyone know why my screen is weird like that? And or how to fix it?

The same is for me also, anyone knows how to fix that? my pc is good, other games runs very well


I have the steam demo version. I searched in the game folder but didnt find the file where i could change it

Its not in the game folder, you need to go first in appdata folder, to get there type %appdata% after pressing windows + r

and then later follow other steps what shows in the photo

Oh right, that worked. Thank you!

or just follow this video to get in appdata folder, 

Is the steam demo the exact same? and will it get the same updates?

I've downloaded it but there's no option to launch, anyone know what to do?

also is there a way to adjust mouse sensitivity?

They have the game on steam much better tbh.

that moment when you have an axe in your back but still winning...

(1 edit)

this game is absolutely amazing!!!<3
finally proper slaughter and no unneeded stuff like plot or sth!!

it takes 14 hours to download it 😭😭😭


fix your internet

i cant download this link it keeps giving error when it get to %50

very cool, reminds me of exanima. 

Please do NOT listen to the posts on Steam forums. In my opinion, this update was a step in the right direction, very well done!

I'm hoping Half Sword will have multiplayer eventually! Would be amazing!

Having fatal error. (((

Yo dev, don't look at this as a permanent feature,
but it would be cool do add like a twitch integration for something like nameplates of viewers while streamers play your game.


This game is really addictive, funny and brutal. Perfect casual game!


Yoooo go to steam they have an new demo! ITS BRUTAL


thank you sm for this i've been tracking this on kickstarter for some time


I like how every hit the enemy lands can prove just as fatal. It really makes you feel like you are PART of the game and not just like doom guy amongst demons (Unless you are the john wick of half swording)

It says i dont have permission to extract it


this game is super super fun and would make for hours and hours of hilarity.

imagine this online with friends... 


Two bucklers best combo ever

Two axes are also really op

when i extract it takes me to the store how do i fix it and play/?

you need to download a file extracter software, such as winrar (free) then open the file with winrar and extract it.


why cant i downloid it anymore?

did the head exploding effect got deleted or something for some reason it doesnt explode


Its just harder to do so now, you have to relentlessly beat the head in with a mace


I could spend hours in this game. Its amazing

Sorry this game is perfect but it crashes for me (fatal error) please help if anyone knows how to figure it out, I tried to install a new driver but nothing works.

(1 edit)

Still as amazing as it was when I first played it. Perhaps even better!

it constantly says that the video memory (or smth like that) is too low, how do i increase the amount of ram that this game gets


I have a suggestion for the thrusting controls, hold middle mouse button to toggle thrusting mode and mouse wheel up and down to thrust in and out. This would be better than the current controls because it means looking up and down is independant to the the thrusting action.


this game is awesom

simple idea very well executed, if you work on it more and implement missions or multiplayer it would sell well on steam, well done


really great game! all i wish for is to keep the game free. lets say it will become 5 dollars. sorry but i dont think many ppl would buy this game on steam BUT if you kept it free i bet you it will become more than 5k users after the first day

really great game the blood is so clean and the physics are  beautiful 

thanks ;D


blade and sorcery ass game, i like i


It crashed before it even loaded. It just said fatal error.


Try changing graphics settings


I literally cant. Its crashes before the game loads


Is Multilayer gore present in it now ??

idk if its just me, but did you remove the exploding heads?? also idk if there already is, but could you add controller support? thaty would be sick, and maybe optimize it abit more cuz i dont have a bad pc, but something doenst allow me to play at higher settings


You can still exploding heads, but fryenk make it so it is more hard to explode a head, sorry for bad inglish


Dude this game is fantastic! Honestly my favorite slasher right now. Hell yeah brother \m/


Really great game 10 golden stars from me. Love the concept, keep up the work. Not very many games like this at all. Works well with controller to. The problem with it is being able to aim the sword to where you want it to go where the crosshair is. Like if I'm aiming at the head and I thrust the sword forward it goes to the right or the left of the head or somewhere I wasn't aiming. Also should add a blocking feature with a sword, where you can deflect or block a hit. Crossbow? Maybe? 


a very good  game ngl


this game surprised me. i didnt expect this game to be this good


The only thing it's missing is skins and nwe weapons, like arabic swords (saber)


how you download it


is this game multiplayer


no. it most likely wont be possible because of the physics engine. but local may come at some point


Ok, that sounds really fun!


Yeah I'm excited for it!

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